
28 January 2012

Arabian Red Fox - Dhahran Hills

Yesterday at the edge of the spray fields I saw an Arabian Red Fox. I have seen this fox a number of times in the same area so I assume it has a set somewhere nearby. The fox gave good views considering I was walking around the spray fields and not in the car but it was late in the evening and hence the photo is not quite as good as it could have been.
Arabian Red Fox

There were quite a few birds in the spray fields including at least 11 Eurasian Skylark. An unusual pipit with pale legs turned out after lots of searching to be a Tree Pipit, and at least 15 Water Pipit were also present. Whilst walking through the fields I flushed a Quail which is early for the species, but is presumably an early migrant and six Song Thrushes. Two Siberian Stonechats were present as always and three Tawny Pipit were also hiding in the long grass. A male Desert Wheatear and an Isabelline Wheatear were at the edge of the fields and are probably the same birds as seen earlier in the week. The pond held 1000+ Great Cormorant, three Eurasian Coot and six Little Grebe and five Common House Martin and at least 100 Pallid Swift were in a tight flock as it was getting dark. A look around the scrubby desert area produced few birds but a nice female Desert Wheatear and a couple of Tawny Pipits were nice to see.