
13 December 2011

Saudi Arabia Trip Report (1998 - 2001) - Per Anders Bertilsson

Per Anders Bertilsson has just sent me a link to his excellent report on Birding in Saudi Arabia 1998 - 2001. He lived in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for three years from 19th September 1998 until 19th September 2001. Most of his time was spent in the Al Hair, Mansouriyah and Thumamah areas but he also travelled to the Eastern Province (Hofuf, Al Khobar, Dammam & Jubail), Taif, Jeddah, Jizan, Abha, Asir Mountains and the Farasan Islands.  The report has a systematic list of the 336 species of birds that Per saw in his time in Saudi Arabia, a short list of some of the sites that were visited along with a monthly breakdown of the occurrences of the species seen. This is probably the most detailed and easy to use report I have seen on birding in Saudi Arabia. Thanks to Per for sending me the report, all this information helps build up a picture of what occurs in Saudi Arabia at what time and where.