
29 December 2011

Larks & Steppe Eagle - Dibdibah Plains

A trip ‘up north’ of Dhahran to the Dibdibah Plains in search of some true desert species, produced a number of good birds. Some of these were seen whilst driving through the area and others by taking the four wheel drive Landcruiser off-raod to search some likely looking areas. One such area was a large depression in the plain that had quite a bit of new growth, mainly in the shape of Bitter Apple. This area also held five Greater Hoopoe Larks, one adult Steppe Eagle, seven Desert Larks and one Steppe Grey Shrike. None of the birds were very cooperative and all were very flighty as they probably see very few people in this part of the world.

 Desert Lark
 Desert Lark
 Greater Hoopoe Lark
Steppe Eagle (adult)
Steppe Eagle (adult)
Steppe Eagle (adult)