
08 December 2011

Daurian Shrike - Dhahran Hills

A nice Durian Shrike has been about for the last week in the spray fields. It is normally alone even though another Daurian Shrike, and a Southern Grey Shrike have also been in the spray fields at the same time. The majority of the 'red-tailed' shrikes present at this time of year are Daurian Shrike with Turkestan Shrikes normally occurring in mid autumn and again in March. The spray fields also held three Song Thrushes, one Bluethroat, five European Stonechats and seven Water Pipits. The percolation pond is almost overflowing with water now and had only two Grey Heron and three Common Moorhen. The pond is so full of water that water is again being sprayed onto the spray fields meaning it is difficult to walk through and see what else may be present in there. 200+ Great Cormorants are still roosting in the trees in the evening.
Daurian Shrike