Birding on the 'patch' yesterday was good even though the percolation pond has no water. Large amounts of water is being sprayed onto the spray fields at the moment with a single Isabelline Wheatear, one Turkestan Shrike and six Water Pipit present. The Western Great Egret now has no water to feed in on the 'patch' but still occasionally fly's over the drained percolation pond to look to see if things have improved. A white morph Indian Reef Heron and two Grey Herons were looking for food on the dry pond and two Eursian Sparrowhawks put on a nice aerial display playing tumbling games with each other. The trees, scrub and stony area around the pond held three Western Black Redstarts, a new 'patch' bird for me and a single Lesser Whitethroat. A Desert Wheatear was seen at the Jabals area and up to ten Tawny Pipit also in the area but not much else. Some rain has fallen in the last few days so hopefully plants will start flowering and attract a few additional species inside Dhahran Camp.

Tawny Pipit
Tawny Pipit
Western Great Egret
Western Great Egret