
09 November 2011

House Crow - Dammam Port Mangroves

I went to Dammam Port Mangroves today which is the closest small stand of mangroves to Al Khobar and is good at high tide as many waders get pushed up by the tide into this area. Birds are visible at close range even when the tide is not fully in. The site is easily reached by driving northeast on the main Port Highway until you reach the causeway to the main port. Continue along the causeway with the railway track on the left hand side of the road until you approach the main port gate. Turn left here across the road and railway line and the mangroves are on the left behind the buildings. The tide was partly out and the Coast Guard were present so I was not able to go to the normal areas but I still saw plenty of Greater Flamingo and five House Crow which hang around this area all the time. I assume they have come across by boat and set up home in and around the port. It is the best place to see them in our area although a couple are present on the Dhahran Camp.
 House Crow
 House Crow
Greater Flamingo