
22 November 2011

Common Moorhen & Eurasian Wigeon - Dhahran Hills

The percolation pond on the 'patch' has now been almost totally destroyed with only about one tenth of the reed beds remaining and this only still there because the caterpillar tractor got stuck in the mud. There is only a very small section of water left but it is still very attractive to birds with still 12 Common Moorhen about at the moment probably because there is nowhere else to hide. The muddy waters edge also held a single Common Redshank and a single Green Sandpiper along with one Western Great Egret, two Little Egrets, two Cattle Egrets and two Grey Herons. 250 Great Cormorants made a nice sight flying in to roost in the trees surrounding the pond which was a surprise as the first returning bird was only seen a week ago. A few flights of duck were also seen in the late evening including eight Mallard, ten Northern Shoveller, 75+ Eurasian Teal and three Eurasian Wigeon that landed on the water with a few Eurasian Teal. Eurasian Wigeon is a new 'patch' species for me so I was very happy with my evening birding. Six Common Chiffchaffs were calling in the bushes surrounding the pond with eight Water Pipit and six White Wagtail on the muddy edge to what was left of the pond.
Common Morehen