
30 November 2011

Bahrain - Ringing Waders at Alba Marshes

A lot of waders were present at Alba Marshes when we went ringing there last weekend and as a result we decided to put up a single 15 metre mist net across a small area of water to try to catch some of these birds. The tide was high and had probably pushed a number of these birds onto the marsh with Common Redshank, Little Stint and Black-winged Stilt being the most common birds. We set the net just before dark to catch the waders and immediately caught a Grey Plover and a Little Stint. We later also caught eight further Little Stint and a Jack Snipe making a good total for a single net. I had not ringed Little Stint before and Brendan had not ringed Grey Plover or Jack Snipe with Nicole ringing four Little Stint and me the remaining five.
 Jack Snipe (adult)
  Jack Snipe (adult)
 Grey Plover
 Grey Plover
 Little Stint (juvenile)
 Little Stint (juvenile)
Little Stint (juvenile)