
12 October 2011

Wood Sandpiper - Dhahran Hills

The last two days have seen small numbers of migrants passing through with passerines being seen in small numbers in the bushes. These included Lesser Whitethroat, Common Whitethroat & Spotted Flycatcher. A single Blue-cheeked Bee-eater was flying over along with 30+ Sand Martin & 10+ Barn Swallow. The spray fields held three Isabelline Wheatear and a male Western Marsh Harrier was seen going to roost in the reeds of the percolation pond. These reeds also had 20+ Yellow Wagtail and two Clamorous Reed Warbler. A single Purple Heron and single Little Egret were on the muddy edge of the pond with a few waders including four Wood Sandpiper, two Common Snipe, two Common Redshank and a Green Sandpiper. The only other good bird seen was a Little Tern sitting on the muddy edge and later on the wooden raft in the pond. The Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin is still actively feeding around outside my office window, I wonder how much longer before it moves on.
Wood Sandpiper