
15 October 2011

Sabkhat Al Fasl

Another early morning start to Sabkhat Al Fasl on Thursday turned up a juvenile Greater Spotted Eagle sitting on a street light at first light which was a good start to the mornings birding. Shooting was agian occurring but was not too bad today. A few migrants were about with seven Daurian Shrike, Great Reed Warbler, two Pied Wheatear, three Isabelline Wheatear and a few Yellow Wagtails. Clamorous Reed Warbler where seen a few times in the reeds with up to five birds seen. Waders included two Marsh Sandpiper, two Temminck's Stint, hundreds of Little Stint, Dunlin, Common Ringed Plover and Kentish Plover, one Common Greenshank, five Common Redshank, 138 Pied Avocet. The White-tailed Lapwing was still about in the same place as last week but unfortunately for photography had not become any tamer. 10+ Caspian Tern and seven Western Marsh Harrier were flying about and at least one Western Osprey was sitting on the mud flats. A group of 19 Northern Pintail were the first of thss species I have seen in Saudi Arabia although they are a common winter duck here and 20+ Eurasian Teal were also present. Two Common Kingfisher and 26 Purple Swamphen were also seen. A single large juvenile gull was present whichmay have been a Steppe Gull but I am not confident in identification of these birds yet.

We went to have a look at the Jubail Sanitary Landfill site on the way home but there was a hugeline of trucks waiting to enterthe site so we could not go in. This place may be good for Gulls and birds of prey as the winter progresses so we will go back one day a bit earlier in the day.
 Pied Wheatear
 Pied Wheatear
 Pied Wheatear 
 Little Stint
 Temminck's Stint
 Purple Swamphen
 Daurian Shrike
Daurian Shrike