
03 October 2011

Pied Wheatear - Dhahran Hills

Yesterday and the day before on the 'patch' I saw some good migrants. The scrubby desert area held Lesser Grey Shrike and 1st year male Pied Wheatear. The spray fields held Steppe Grey Shrike, Southern Grey Shrike and Spotted Flycatcher and the percolation pond had three Purple Heron, 12 Black-crowned Night Heron, eight Grey Heron, one Little Egret, 22 Garganey, 20 Northern Shoveller, 16 Eurasian Teal, one Common Redshank, five Green Sandpiper, one Ruff, three Little Stint, six Kentish Plover, one Clamorous Reed Warbler, 30+ Barn Swallow, 10+ Sand Martin, 21 Yellow Wagtail and in the scrub at the edge a Rufous-tailed Scrub Warbler.
 Pied Wheatear (1st Year Male)
Barn Swallow