
04 October 2011

Bahrain - Ringing Pied Wheatear at Busaiteen

As I mentioned in the previous post I went ringing with Abdulla at Busaiteen on Friday, which is a good place to see Wheatears. We caught a fist year male Pied Wheatear which is shown in the photographs here. The bird was caught in a spring trap that had an insect grub as bait and as the bird pulls the bait it triggers the trap and the bird is caught. The hard part about this trapping is getting the birds into a position where they can see the trap and when this is done, hopefully, the bird is interested in the grub. The success rate of catching the birds once they had seen the bait was almost 100%.

Pied Wheatear (1st Year Male)
Pied Wheatear (1st Year Male)
Pied Wheatear (1st Year Male)
Pied Wheatear (1st Year Male)
Pied Wheatear (1st Year Male)