
17 October 2011

Bahrain – Ringing at A’Ali Farm

Abdulla and I went ringing at A’Ali Farm on Friday and although we did not catch many birds we did catch a couple of good ones. We set up two 18 metre mist nets in the trees in the hope of catching a few birds as there were a lot of birds in the area although most were keeping high in the tree tops. Graceful Prinia and White-cheeked Bulbul were the most common along with various doves. The mist nets and had caught a Daurian Shrike and a (Caspian) Reed Warbler with the Daurian Shrike being a re-trap which had a BTO ring on its leg and was almost certainly ringed by Brendan or his team, but we are awaiting details from Brendan on this when he gets back from Qatar. Once I know the details I will put them on the website. The second mist net failed to catch any birds unfortunately.
 Caspian Reed Warbler
 Caspian Reed Warbler
 Daurian Shrike (adult female)
 Daurian Shrike (adult female)
Daurian Shrike (adult female)