
05 September 2011

Two new species - Dhahran Hills

Yesterday I was back on the 'patch' after a few days away collecting the family from thier summer holiday, who have been escaping the summer heat of Saudi Arabia. There were quite a few different species around today compared to last week including two species I have not seen on the 'patch' before. These were two Garganey and a Black-tailed Godwit, of which I managed to get a very poor flight shot of the Godwit, both of which were on the percolation pond. Another new species for the autumn was a Woodchat Shrike in the spray fields along with a Steppe Grey Shrike and a Southern Grey Shrike was seen in the scrubby desert area along with three Isabelline Wheatear. The percolation pond also held 12 Little Stint, six Little Ringed Plover, Two Common Ringed Plover, 32 Kentish Plover, 17 Black-winged Stilt, one Ruff, six Common Snipe, eight Wood Sandpiper and a Common Redshank. There were also four Little Egret a white morph Indian Reef Heron and a Steppe Gull on the pond.
 Isabelline Wheatear
 Isabelline Wheatear
 Woodchat Shrike
 Woodchat Shrike
Black-tailed Godwit (bottom left) & Black-winged Stilt