A visit to the 'patch' this evening resulted in me getting good photographic opportunities of Steppe Grey Shrike. It was in the bushes at the edge of the spray fields and allowed close approach via the car. The only other good bird seen in the spray field area was an Isabelline Wheatear. The first year Citrine Wagtail was still present along the edge of the percolation pond along with eight Yellow Wagtails of which least two were Black-headed Wagtails. There were three Eurasian Teal and two Garganey along with a single Little Egret, one grey morph Indian Reef Heron, one juvenile purple Heron and one Grey Heron. Waders comprised of seven Curlew Sandpiper which were the first ones I have seen on the patch this autumn, three Terek Sandpiper, one Green Sandpiper, eight Wood Sandpiper, two Ruff, three Common Ringed Plover, two Little Ringed Plover, 18 Little Stint and 26 Kentish Plover. Other good birds seen included one Eurasian Turtle Dove, 35 Blue-cheeked Bee-eater, one Barn Swallow and 20+ Sand Martin.

Steepe Grey Shrike
Steepe Grey Shrike
Steepe Grey Shrike
Steepe Grey Shrike