
22 September 2011

Spotted Redshank - Dhahran Hills

Yesterday on the 'patch' there was a Spotted Redshank which was a new 'Patch' bird for me. There was not much else about apart from a single Common Redshank, one Green Sandpiper, 24 Wood Sandpiper, two Little Ringed Plover, two Black-winged Stilt, one Black-tailed Godwit, 12 Common Ringed Plover, five Ruff, 33 Little Stint, 28 Kentish Plover, one Little Egret, two Cattle Egret and seven Grey Heron. One Northern Shoveller was on the pond and about 75 - 100 Yellow Wagtail were running about and coming into roost in the reed bed. Five Barn Swallow and 25+ Sand Martin were also present.
Kentish Plover