
11 September 2011

Spotted Flycatchers are back - Dhahran Hills

There were a few new birds on the 'patch' today with three Spotted Flycatcher and a Common Whitethroat in the trees and on the fence surrounding the percolation pond and a flock of over 30 European Bee-eater catching insects overhead. The spray field had only a single Steppe Grey Shrike and the percolation pond had 13 Eurasian Teal, two Garganey, one Little Egret, three Grey Heron, three Cattle Egret, two Yellow Wagtail and a few waders. Waders included two Black-tailed Godwit, three Common Ringed Plover, 20+ Kentish Plover, 11 Little Stint, seven Ruff, two Marsh Sandpiper, three Wood Sandpiper, six Green Sandpiper and 10 Common Redshank.
 Spotted Flycatcher
Black-tailed Godwit