The 'patch' was quite lively again today with Phil Roberts seeing Woodchat Shrike and Daurain Shrike in the spray fields as well as a flock of 50 Blue-cheeked Bee-eater. I also saw the Blue-cheeked Bee-eater but only 15 of them. The percolation pond area had three Red-rumped Swallow which were new for the autumn as well as 11 Barn Swallow and seven Sand Martin. A calling Eastern Olivacious Warbler was present in the thorny scrub by th edge of the pond and eight Yellow Wagtail were at the muddy edge including a single Black-headed Wagtail. Waders included four Common Snipe, Seven Green Sandpiper, six Wood Sandpiper, 31 Black-winged Stilt, 45 Little Stint, 37 Kentish Plover, one Ruff, three Common Ringed Plover and a single Little Ringed Plover. Other birds on the pond included two Grey Heron, two Little Egret and one Indian Reef Heron. All the birds were flushed by a falcon which flew quickly across the pond and disappeared from view allowing poor views only. It looked quite large and had a pale looking underwing but otherwise resembled Eurasian Hobby in appearance and was the first bird of prey I have seen this autumn. This is only the second Eurasian Hobby I have seen in Dhahran Hills with the first being last winter.

Eurasian Hobby