
14 September 2011

Full Moon - Dhahran Hills

I arrived late last night at the 'patch' due to family commitments but still managed to get down there for the last hour of light. Evenings are drawing in now and soon it is going to be difficult to bird after work, but hopefully another month or so before this happens. Even though I arrived late and only had time to look at the percolation pond but I still saw a few good birds including a new very well marked first year Citrine Wagtail. It was loosely associating with the Yellow Wagtails of which the total count came to 51 birds coming to roost in the reed-bed. A single Spotted Flycatcher was on the dried up edge of the pond. The slightly oiled Little Egret was still present with the grey phase Indian Reef Heron and there was a heavily oiled Purple Heron hiding in the reeds that made us wonder for a while until it came out into the open. Eight Eurasian Teal and a single Garganey were in the middle of the pond and waders included a Black-tailed Godwit, two Wood Sandpiper, two Marsh Sandpiper, four Common Ringed Plover, eight Ruff, 20+ Little Stint and a Water Rail that showed well briefly at the edge of the reeds. My late arrival meant no photographic opportunities presented themselves today so I have included a picture of last nights Full Moon for you to have a look at.