
07 September 2011

Daurian Shrike - Dhahran Hills

Many of the birds that had been present on the 'patch' cleared out overnight but were replaced by a number of new birds. The spray fields had a Daurian Shrike which spent most of its time hunting from the spray heads and sub-structure. There was also an Isabelline Wheatear and Eurasian Hoopoe showing well, but always keeping in the shade on the grass verge. The percolation pond had less waders today but still had 13 Black-winged Stilt, three Common Ringed Plover, seven Wood Sandpiper, seven Green Sandpiper, two Little Ringed Plover, one Marsh Sandpiper, two Ruff, 27 Little Stint and 33 Kentish Plover. There was also seven Yellow Wagtail, 30+ Sand Martin, six Barn Swallow, one Little Egret, two Eurasian Teal and five Garganey. The first returning Red-backed Shrike of the autumn was also in the bushes at the edge of the pond.
 Daurian Shrike
 Daurian Shrike
 Eurasian Hoopoe
Isabelline Wheatear