Yesterday at the bachelor accommodation gardens there were quite a few Yellow Wagtails and I managed to get one photograph before the light became too poor. Photography in the evening after work is getting more and more difficult as the light is fading fast and it is dark by 17:45 and by 16:30 the light is too poor for photography. The spray fields only had a single Isabelline Wheatear and the percolation pond had three Little Egret, one Purple Heron (immature), six Grey Heron, one grey morph Indian Reef Heron, 10 Garganey, two Eurasian Teal, 24 Northern Shoveller, one Wood Sandpiper, two Green Sandpiper, six Balck-winged Stilt, 20+ Yellow Wagtail coming in to roost in the reeds, one Clamorous Reed Warbler, one Spotted Flycatcher and one Rufous Tailed Scrub Robin. I saw an immature Crested Honey-Buzzard flying over and resting in the trees by the pond and assume it was the same bird that Phil saw yesterday.
Yellow Wagtail