
04 September 2011

Breeding & Possible Breeding Bird Records 2011 - Dhahran Camp

These are breeding bird records from Dhahran Camp, my local patch, for the Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Arabia. If anyone else has any records that they can add then please send them to Mike Jennings at Arabianbirds AT dsl DOT pipex DOT com

Little Grebe
At least four pairs were seen breeding on the Dhahran Camp percolation pond. The birds were seen building nests out of pond weed and later seen sitting on eggs. In early June adults were seen with very small young which would climb on their parents backs to avoid danger. At least two broods were had by some birds as very young birds are again in evidence on the percolation pond at the end of July.

Little Bittern
A pair (male and female)of adults birds were seen in late May, in the reeds of the Dhahran Camp percolation pond. On the 4th July a juvenile was seen in the same reeds and was still present on 22nd July. This appears to be extremely early for a juvenile Little Bittern to leave its breeding area, even if that breeding area was close by. I have not seen any signs of adults since late May and no sign of adults feeding the juvenile either.

Common Quail
Singing / Calling males were present in suitable habitat of the spray fields at Dhahran Camp in March and April. These birds remained calling for approximately two weeks from end of March and occasional birds would be seen in flight. There was no other evidence of breeding and I assume these were just passage birds.

Common Moorhen
Adults with well grown young were seen on the percolation pond at Dhahran Camp in May. No nests were seen so these were presumably well hidden in the reed beds as at least thirty five young seen together on the pond in June & July.

Eurasian Coot
Adults with very small young were seen in early May on the percolation pond at Dhahran Camp and again adults with young where again present in mid July indicating at least two broods. At least four pairs bred in Dhahran Camp this year.

Black-winged Stilt
A nest with four eggs was found in a mud scrape at the edge of the percolation pond on 28th May 2011 and a pair of adults, with very small young, were present on the pond from 24th April. An additional pair of birds were also seen at the percolation pond on 2nd June, so three pairs bred successfully on the percolation pond Dhahran Camp this year.

Little Ringed Plover
A pair where seen in suitable breeding habitat at Dhahran Hills, Dhahran Camp on 8th June and were trying to attract my attention and draw me away from the area. One bird of the same pair was feigning injury on 15th June but no young or other proof of breeding was noted.

Kentish Plover
A pair where seen with very small young were seen in early March on the settling pond at Dhahran Camp. Another (or the same?) pair where seen with very young chicks in the same place on 8th July. A number of other birds (four to five pairs) were seen in suitable breeding areas throughout the summer but no evidence of breeding was seen.

Rock Dove
Up to ten pairs of what look like pure Rock Dove where present in suitable breeding habitat in Dhahran Camp throughout the summer. There were also a number of feral pigeons associating with these birds. No direct evidence of breeding was noted.

European Turtle Dove
Up to four pairs (aranicola) were present throughout the summer in suitable habitat. At least two juveniles, that were able to fly but where very young, with adults in attendance were present in different areas of Dhahran Camp on 25th June.

Namaqua Dove
A pair of adults and a young juvenile were present is suitable breeding habitat on 24th July in Dhahran Camp. Up to six other pairs of birds were present throughout the summer in suitable breeding habitat but no further evidence of breeding was noted.

Eurasian Hoopoe
A pair where seen displaying to each other and collecting possible nesting material and stones on 6th June in Dhahran Camp. A number of pairs where present throughout the breeding season in suitable habitat but no direct evidence of breeding has been found.

Crested Lark
An adult with a quite large juvenile was seen in early July. More than ten pairs where in suitable habitat during the breeding season but no further evidence of breeding has been found.
White-eared Bulbul
An adult with a very young juvenile, still unable to fly was seen on 4th June in Dhahran Camp. The young bird was seen begging food from and adult on a number of occasions.

Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin
At least three pairs were holding territory during most of June and July in different areas of scrub by the side of the percolation pond in Dhahran Camp. In July, adults were seen carrying food but no other positive indications of breeding were seen.

Clamorous Reed Warbler
At least six pairs were holding territory during most of June and July in the reed beds of the percolation pond at Dhahran Camp. Singing was heard continuously and adults were been seen carrying food in July but no other positive indications of breeding were seen.

Eastern Olivaceous Warbler
At least five pairs were holding territory during most of May and June in different areas of scrub by the side of the percolation pond in Dhahran Camp.
House Sparrow
An adult was seen collecting nesting material on 12th June and a very young juvenile was seen with two adults on 18th June in Dhahran Camp.