Yesterday at Sabkhat Al Fasl I had confirmed evidence of Great Reed Warbler Breeding. They have been recorded breeding at this site before but this is the first evidence I have had myself. I saw a juvenile bird begging food from its parents in the reeds at the edge of the main lake. Shooting was not very prevalent today which was a bonus but birding was a bit slow. Good birds seen included my first returning Marsh Harrier of the autumn although Phil saw one here a couple of weeks ago and an Osprey perched on a post on the way into the site. Two Blue-cheeked Bee-eater, one juvenile Red-backed Shrike and 15 Yellow Wagtail were noted as was a Common Kingfisher in the reeds which is my first proper sight record of the species although in the last couple of weeks I have had very brief flight views of this species. Waders were very thin on the ground with four Dunlin, one Curlew Sandpiper, 25 Little Stint, three Common Ringed Plover, 12 Kentish Plover, two Black-winged Stilt and a number of Snipe sp seen in flight of which one looked good for Pin-tailed Snipe but views were brief so I am not conclusively claiming it. There was a large group of Sand Martin (150+) over the main lake and a Common Whitethroat in the scrub beside this lake.

Common Ringed Plover
Curlew Sandpiper
Curlew Sandpiper
Great Reed Warbler (juvenile)
Great Reed Warbler
Yellow Wagtail