
13 September 2011

Black-crowned Night Heron - Dhahran Hills

Last night at the percolation pond I saw a new species for me in the shape of a juvenile Black-crowned Night Heron. It was feeding in the open and then retreated into the reed bed for more cover. Other birds on the pond were two Gull-billed Tern, three Cattle Egret, one Little Egret, one grey phase Indian Reef Heron, one Purple Heron, four Garganey, seven Eurasian Teal, 13 Yellow Wagtail, four Common Snipe, eight Wood Sandpiper, three Common Ringed Plover, six Little Ringed Plover, 27 Black-winged Stilt, 21 Little Stint, 32 Kentish Plover, two Ruff and more than 30 Sand Martin. The spray fields did not have a bird of note but a small grassy area on the way there had two Yellow Wagtail and a Common Whitethroat.
 Common Whitethroat
 Common Whitethroat
 Yellow Wagtail (flava)
 Yellow Wagtail (flava)
 Spotted Flycatcher
 Spotted Flycatcher
Purple Heron