
29 August 2011

Worn Terns - Dammam - Al Khobar Wader Roost South

Yesterday afternoon I went to the Dammam - Al Khobar Wader Roost South as the high tide was right to push the waders up close to the coast. The tide was so high by the time I got to the roost all the waders had been pushed off and only a few small waders and some larger waders were present on the built up reclaimed area behind the coast. Thirteen Crab Plover, all adults, were roosting on the reclaimed land along with Bar-tailed Godwit, Whimbrel and Eurasian Curlew. Unfortunately the birds were very flighty and would not allow close approach at all. There were also a few very worn terns flying about and resting on the edge of the reclaimed land and I managed to get a few good shots of them.
 Lesser Crested Tern
 Lesser Crested Tern
 White-cheeked Tern
 White-cheeked Tern
 White-cheeked Tern
 Bar-tailed Godwit
 Black-winged Stilt
 Black-winged Stilt
 Greater Sand Plover
Lesser Sand Plover
Crab Plover