
12 August 2011

Waders - Sabkhat Al Fasl

As it is the start of the weekend here in Saudi Arabia (Thursday & Friday) it was another early morning start to Sabkhat Al Fasl with Phil. When we got there shooters were already in action and had scared off many of the birds so things were quite slow. A few Purple Swamphen where about and a small mixture of waders. Best amongst them were five Whimbel (quite scarce at this site), thirteen Redshank, two Greenshank, one Greater Sand Plover and about one hundred Little Stint. A few Kentish Plover and Little Ringed Plover were also about. We saw a single 'Flava' type Yellow Wagtail, but it was very flighty and would not allow close approach. A few terns were flying about with Three Caspian Tern, eight Saunders Tern, thirteen White-cheeked Tern and a single White-winged Tern. A couple of Ferruginous Duck flew over, which was a new bird for Saudi Arabia for me, although they do breed in the Eastern Province of the country.
Little Stint
Little Stint
Kentish Plover
Little Ringed Plover