
27 August 2011

Shrikes are returning - Dhahran Hills

Yesterday on the 'patch' I saw three different species of Shrike in the spray fields. There were singles of Lesser Grey Shrike, Steppe Grey Shrike and Durian Shrike. Other birds of interest in this area where European Turtle Dove, two Barn Swallow and a single fly over 'flava' wagtail. The percolation pond is now almost full with water and the wader numbers were back to normal from their very high numbers of last week. Birds present included 1 Common Greenshank, 2 Common Redshank, five Little Ringed Plover, 23 Kentish Plover and 13 Little Stint. The best wader was a Greater Sand Plover, a new species for me on the 'patch' but one that has been recorded here before. The only other birds of note on the pond were 2 Indian Reef Egret, one grey phase and one white phase.
Lesser Grey Shrike
 Lesser Grey Shrike
 Lesser Grey Shrike
 Daurian Shrike
 Daurian Shrike
European Turtle Dove