
28 August 2011

Purple Herons - Dhahran Hills

The 'patch' was good again today for migrants with two Purple Heron, one Upcher's Warbler and a Collared Pratincole all new species for the autumn for Dhahran Camp. Two Yellow Wagtail, a Little Egret, an Indian Reef Heron and a Gull-billed Tern (ten were also seen in a single flock flying over). Waders included two Terek Sandpiper, ten Ruff, one Common Redshank, five Marsh Sandpiper, approximately 20 Little Stint, 30 Kentish Plover and 10 Little Ringed Plover. Birds are starting to pass through now and things should get even better in September, hopefully.
 Purple Heron
Purple Heron