
13 August 2011

Plenty of Waders - Dammam - Al Khobar Wader Roosts

Yesterday afternoon I went down to both the wader roosts at Dammam - Al Khobar. The Dammam - Al Khobar Wader Roost was visited first as the creek fills up with water quickly on a rising tide. After looking here and seeing plenty of the normal small waders I went to Dammam - Al Khobar Wader Roost South. This has more of the larger waders and is the place to see Crab Plover, of which there were five today (four adults and a juvenile). I took quite a few photographs today as the tide was good and as it was the weekend I could go at the right time.

Little Stint
Little Stint
Broad-billed Sandpiper
Ruddy Turnstone
Greater Sand Plover
Grey Plover
Grey Plover (summer plumage)
Crab Plover
Crab Plover
Crab Plover
Bar-tailed Godwit
 Terek Sandpiper

Eurasian Curlew
 Common Greenshank
 Kentish Plover