
09 August 2011

Little Stint - Dhahran Hills

After going to the Wader Roost yesterday evening I managed to get back to Dhahran camp with just enough time to check the 'patch'. Luckily the roads were not too bad today, as it is Ramadan and everyone leaves work early (Muslims at least). Driving in Saudi Arabia is a nightmare at the best of times and even when there are not many cars on the road it is still very dangerous, but I got back quickly. This was lucky as there were quite a few good birds about including five Barn Swallows, nine Little Stint, six Black-winged Stilt, thirty one Wood Sandpiper, thirteen Ruff (the largest group I have seen on the patch) and a Marsh Sandpiper - only the second I have seen here. There were also a few Kentish Plover and Little Ringed Plover dotted about but I did not have time to count them.