
21 August 2011

Daurian Shrike - Dhahran Hills

The 'patch' was quite productive today and the start of the autumn migration is really getting underway. There are still only a few birds but some good species and different birds arriving every day. Migrants today included one Barn Swallow, one Yellow Wagtail, four Isabelline Wheatear and a Daurian Shrike. Most birds were around the percolation pond but the Daurian Shrike was making use of the spray field sprinkler heads to hunt from. Daurian Shrike where common in the spring but this is the first sighting by me of a returning autumn bird. Another good bird today was a single Southern Grey Shrike. Waders included nine Ruff, thirteen Little Stint, six Little Ringed Plover, forty Kentish Plover, three Black-winged Stilt, five Green Sandpiper and one Common Greenshank, but the best wader was a single Terek Sandpiper. This is only the second time I have seen this species in the camp and the first autumn record.
 Daurian Shrike
Daurian Shrike