
08 August 2011

Common Myna Breeding - Dhahran Hills

Yesterday on the 'patch' was the first returning Yellow Wagtail of the autumn feeding on the dried up edge of the percolation pond. The only other birds of notee were a few waders including four Green Sandpipers, fifty four Kentish Plover, eight Little Stint, six Black-winged Stilt and twenty-nine Little Ringed Plover.

Common Myna is a common bird in Dhahran with tens seen daily. Large flocks are gathering at the moment with up to thirty bird in each of them but up until today I had not seen any juveniles amongst them. Today, however, I saw three juveniles and managed to get a couple of photographs of one of them.
 Common Myna (adult)
  Common Myna (adult)
  Common Myna (juvenile)
Common Myna (juvenile)