
28 August 2011

Bahrain - Ringing at Alba Marshes 1

On Friday 26th August 2011 I went ringing again at Alba Marshes – Bahrain with Nicole and Brendan. We saw a few Isabelline Wheatear on the way to the ringing site and a couple of Black-crowned Night Heron flying over the marshes as it got dark. There were also a few waders present in the form of three Little Stint, three Common Greenshank, two Common Redshank, one Whimbrel, one Little Ringed Plover and two Common Ringed Plover. Other birds present included a Squacco Heron five ‘Flava’ Wagtail and calling Water Rail.
We set up the nets a bit earlier this time than last week as the temperature was a bit cooler (only 36 °C) and Nicole was tasked with extracting the birds from the nets whilst I ringed and processed them with Brendan keeping an eye on me. We caught eight birds including six juvenile (Caspian) Reed Warbler, one House Sparrow and one Graceful Prinia. One of the (Caspian) Reed Warbler was a re-trap from last week and had increased its weight very slightly from 10.5 grams to 10.75 grams. The top photograph is of one (Caspian) Reed Warbler and the bottom photographs of a second bird.

Ringing totals today:
(Caspian) Reed Warbler - 6 (one re-tap from 18th August 2011)
House Sparrow - 1
Graceful Prinia - 1
 (Caspian) Reed Warbler (juvenile)
 (Caspian) Reed Warbler (juvenile)
 (Caspian) Reed Warbler (juvenile)
 (Caspian) Reed Warbler (juvenile)
(Caspian) Reed Warbler (juvenile)