
07 July 2011

Survey Work North of Jubail

Today Jason Hale, Bob Roberts and myself went to the mudflats and salt marshes north of Jubail to carry out some bird survey work on the area.

Interesting birds seen included:-

Caspian Tern - 1
Swift Tern - 1
White-cheeked Tern - 1
Lesser Sand Plover - 20+
Kentish Plover - 40+
Slender-billed Gull - 3
Western Great Egret (Great White Egret) - 3
Common Redshank - 8
Common Greenshank - 1
Eurasian Curlew - 7
Indian Reef Heron - 3
Curlew Sandpiper - 4
Greater Flamingo - 7
Hoopoe Lark - 4
Crested Lark - 6 (including one juvenile)

We also found a single Spotted Toad-headed Agama on the sandy gravel area in the survey area (see photograph below). More information on this species can be found under the wildlife tab at the top of the blog.