
31 July 2011

Marsh Sandpiper - Dhahran Hills

Yesterday evening at Dhahran Hills percolation pond I saw a Marsh Sandpiper, feeding with the other waders on the muddy waters edge. It was a bit flighty and only stayed for a few minutes before flying off north over the camp. This was a new species for me on the local patch along with a single Saunder's Tern that also only stayed briefly although did land for a short period on the far side of the pond.. A few other migrants were about also such as a Blue-cheeked Bee-eater and a Barn Swallow. A good number of waders including were present including two Green Sandpipers, Thirteen Wood Sandpipers, thirty three Kentish Plover, eighteen Little Ringed Plover, fifty six Black-winged Stilt, eight Little Stint and a single Ruff. Three European Turtle Dove were also present in the trees by the side of the pond.
 Marsh Sandpiper
Saunder's Tern
European Turtle Dove