
26 July 2011

Juvenile European Roller

The bird of the day today was a juvenile European Roller which was very flighty and would not allow any photographs to be taken of it. It was first seen in the trees surrounding the percolation pond and then flew to the overhead wires behind the scrubby desert area where I tried to get close by using the car, but to no avail. It then flew off over the military base and away. I saw two adult European Roller in the spring but it is a good bird for Dhahran Camp. Wader numbers are still on the increase with seven Ruff, two Little Stint, twenty Wood Sandpiper, two Green Sandpiper, fifty one Black-winged Stilt, thirty seven Little Ringed Plover and twenty two Kentish Plover. A Sand Martin was also present hawking over the percolation pond.
Common Myna