
08 July 2011

Jubail - Sabkhat Al Fasl

After our bird survey north of Jubail we briefly went to the extensie reed-beds of Sabkhat Al Fasl. This is probably the best birding habitat in the entire region and has plenty of bird species to see and good evidence of returning waders at the site.

Some of the good birds seen there included:-

Purple Swamphen - 8
Slender-billed Gull - 200+
Little Tern - 50+
White Cheeked Tern - 50+ (including three young)
Western Great Egret (Great White Egret) - 2
Little Egret - 1
Indian Reef Egret - 3
Black-winged Stilt - 300+
Little Grebe - 13
Little Stint - 1 (adult summer plumage - see photograph)
Kentish Plover - 46
Little Ringed Pover - 1
Dunlin - 1 (oiled bird)
Common Moorhen - 18