
21 July 2011

Immature White Phase Indian Reef Heron

Another new heron today in the shape of an immature white phase Indian (Western) Reef Heron. Yesterdays grey bird had gone and been replaced by this white phase bird, showing new birds are again passing through the area each day.

Other birds of note were:
Grey Heron - 1
Ruff - 2 (including one male in partial summer plumage)
Green Sandpiper - 2
Little Ringed Plover - 6
Kentish Plover - 3
Black-winged Stilt - 100
Little Grebe - 33 (including two pairs with three young each)
Clamorous Reed Warbler - 4
 Indian Reef Heron (Immature White Morph)
 Indian Reef Heron (Immature White Morph)
Grey Heron