The status of Crested Honey-Buzzard is not clear in Saudi Arabia, or the remainder of the Arabian Peninsula, with more sightings being seen in both the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia in recent years. A record in July is very unusual though as most records are from the late autumn migration period and winter with additional records in the spring migration period of March to May. As this record was so early I sent it to Dick Forsman, and asked about timing of Crested Honey Buzzard migration. He mentioned (pers com.) “This is definitely too early for return migration, so it must be a summering individual. Interesting, as it is an adult male, when one would expect first-years to linger, not adults”. This is the first summer record I know for Saudi Arabia and possibly for the Arabian Peninsula.
Crested Honey-Buzzard records spring 2011:-
Immature - 13th March
Adult Female - 13th March
Adult Male - 5th & 6th May
Adult Female - 7th May