The spring migration season is coming to an end with very few birds about now. Migrants seen included singles of the following species:-
Lesser KestrelSteppe Buzzard
Yellow Wagtail (race - beema)
Rufous Bush Robin (3)
Red-backed Shrike (1st year)
Spotted Flycatcher
European Turtle Dove
Namaqua Dove (3)
A late single Cattle Egret has been in the spray field area for a week.

The water level in the percolation pond is dropping rapidly but still has two breeding pairs of Little Grebe, Common Coot and Black-winged Stilt. One pair of Black-winged Stilt with two small young were first seen on 18th May and a second pair are sitting on eggs. This pair is having a bit of trouble from a Ruppell's Fox (Vulpes rueppellii) which likes to use the area where the nest is to have a sand bath. Many of the Black-winged Stilts using the pond team up with the breading pair to help mob the Fox and rive it away and to date the nest and eggs have not been found and remain intact.
Other birds on or over the percolation pond include:-
Common Moorhen (8)
Squacco Heron (1)
Wood Sandpiper (2)
Kentish Plover (12)
Sand Martin (6)
Barn Swallow (3)
Collared Pratincole (3)