
30 May 2011

Black-winged Stilts

29/05/2011 – Dhahran Hills
The water level in the percolation pond is rising again after the inflow pipe was opened today.

The number of Black-winged Stilts increased significantly today to the highest total of the year with 30 birds present. These include 8 large juvenile birds which have been raised elsewhere plus the two small young which are growing rapidly.
 The nest with eggs has hatched but I did not see any young as they were probably hiding in the reed fringes. Breeding by Black-winged Stilts on the percolation pond or elsewhere in Dhahran is apparently not a common occurrence although it has happened in a few previous years.
The only other bird of note was a Little Tern flying over. These have been the most regular terns seen this spring but have only been seen on four occasions all being singles with the exception of two on one occasion.